
              Hiya! Okay here’s yet ANOTHER poll, I’ve decided to KEEP wf101 but I’m going to change it into a different type of blog since all my other’s have been getting hacked…. so yeah! Should webkinzfanz101 be:

1. a random blog just funny and stuff

2. a gossip type blog

or 3. a review blog 🙂

so just tell me which one you want and I’ll hop to it! [i’m gonna figure out a way to change the name.  .  . Webkinz aren’t the same as they used to be for me]

So yeah!



9 Responses

  1. gossip

  2. Hey sorry I haven’t been on lately. How have you been? I’ve been busy but good

  3. Like my new icon? It’s Evanescence my fav band

  4. I just got home from skating fun zone

  5. If you REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY don’t want it to be a Webkinz blog, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make it a random blog about funny stuff!!

  6. Random please! ‘Cause I’m random!

  7. hi, i have one actually its http://www.likefrieswiththat.tk . would u like this website?

  8. lol i have one http://www.likefrieswiththat.tk i hope its up to the standards(: Plz tell me if u like it

  9. I like this one a lot better!

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